ISPOG is the lively world-wide organisation of professionals from different disciplines working in the field of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. ISPOG operates using the executive board found in the overview below. Please feel free to contact any of the board members if you have questions or other notices regarding the subject.
Mechthild Neises has a longstanding career in psychosomatic obstetrics and gynaecology.
Read more »Leroy Edozien is a Professor and Director at the Institute of Advanced Clinical Studies Education, University of Medical Sciences, Ondo City, Nigeria.
Read more »Chulmin Lee is a gynecologic oncologist from South Korea, with compassion for sexual minorities and interest about cancer survivorship.
Read more »Caroline Vos is a gynaecologist and epidemiologist from Tilburg, the Netherlands, with an interest in gynaecology, oncology and pelvic surgery.
Read more »Vivian Pramataroff-Hamburger is a gynaecologist, psychotherapist, sexologist, Balint group leader (IBF) and member of the board of the German POB Society.
Read more »Be a member of a worldwide network of professionals working in the field of Psychosomatic and Psychosocial Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Option to subscribe to the Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology online at a reduced member rate. Please note that some national societies include subscription to JPOG as part of the membership fee. Register at a reduced fee for the three-yearly International ISPOG congresses. Ability to nominate with the support of the national society for elected positions on the ISPOG Board of Officers. Become involved in ISPOG educational and ambassadorial activities.
Check the map of national societies on the website. If there is an established society in your country, click on the link and email to ask about membership. Once you are registered with your national society you will automatically be a member of ISPOG.
National societies are asked to send to the ISPOG secretariat ( updated numbers of members at the end of each year. A reminder will be sent to national society contacts. Every January the ISPOG Treasurer will send each national society an invoice for membership fees. The amount will be based on the number of members of the national society (€8 per member). Membership fees should be transferred to the ISPOG bank account, details of which are on the invoice. Fees are due by 31 March each year.
Dr. med. Wolf Lütje, President DGPFG German Society for Psychosomatic OB/GYN published in „Ärztliche Psychotherapie und Psychosomatische Medizin“ 2024;19:199 ( No, at first glance this is not a book that seems […]
Read more »Click here to submit your abstract. On behalf of the organizing committee of the 21st congress of the International Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ISPOG), we invite you to […]
Read more »German perspective The German perspective was published in a position paper, which was co-authored by the German Society for Gynaecology and Obstetrics, the Professional Association of Gynaecologists and a further […]
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