Since 1962 16 Countries 1.546 Members
International Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology

Educational Aims

Aims of the Educational Activities

Principle goal of ISPOG

The principle goal of ISPOG with regard to education is “to promote the access to a psychosomatic approach for all Ob/Gyn health care providers in order to fulfil the needs of the patients they treat and/or care for”.

Our educational goals are the following:

  • To develop an E-learning Academy.
  • To provide access to the talks of psychosomatic symposia/congresses by means of webcasts .
  • To offer and encourage workshops to give members the opportunity to experience the psychosomatic approach personally.
  • To make available standards of care and / or guidelines of national POG and affiliated societies, where existent and in accord with the objectives and quality criteria of ISPOG.
  • To inform about existing (national) offers of curricula in psychosomatic and psychosocial obstetrics and gynecology and requirements for professionals in a given field.

Latest News

ISPOG On The Move

May 9, 2024 2 minutes

This Spring, many members of ISPOG were travelling to meet colleagues and engage in meetings. On 2 February 2024, the first Nordic symposium of ISPOG was organized in Copenhagen by […]

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In Memoriam Marianne Springer-Kremser

April 23, 2023 8 minutes

o. Univ-Prof. Dr. Med. Marianne Springer-Kremser (11.11.1940 – 26.02.2023) It is with great regret that we have to inform you about the sudden and unexpected death of Marianne Springer-Kremser. With […]

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In Memoriam Péter Szeverényi

April 23, 2023 3 minutes

Dr. Péter Szeverényi, MD PhD Obstetrician – Gynaecologist, Clinical Psychologist (1949-2023) Dr Szeverényi belonged to those few in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology in Hungary who represent the family-centred […]

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