Since 1962 16 Countries 1.546 Members
International Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology


ISPOG On The Move

May 9, 2024 2 minutes

This Spring, many members of ISPOG were travelling to meet colleagues and engage in meetings. On 2 February 2024, the first Nordic symposium of ISPOG was organized in Copenhagen by […]

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In Memoriam Marianne Springer-Kremser

April 23, 2023 8 minutes

o. Univ-Prof. Dr. Med. Marianne Springer-Kremser (11.11.1940 – 26.02.2023) It is with great regret that we have to inform you about the sudden and unexpected death of Marianne Springer-Kremser. With […]

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In Memoriam Péter Szeverényi

April 23, 2023 3 minutes

Dr. Péter Szeverényi, MD PhD Obstetrician – Gynaecologist, Clinical Psychologist (1949-2023) Dr Szeverényi belonged to those few in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology in Hungary who represent the family-centred […]

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Congress Report ISPOG and Three Countries Conference Vienna

December 22, 2022 9 minutes

Mechthild Neises, Barbara Maier and Vivian Pramataroff-Hamburger This congress took place in a new dimension, i.e. both on-site and online, as a two-track hybrid event and also bilingual: German for […]

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ISPOG statement on the suicide of our Austrian colleage

December 22, 2022 2 minutes

Dr Lisa-Maria Kellermayr, a young Austrian physician, was a well-known champion of the COVID-19 vaccine. For over 7 months, she received hate-filled letters from those opposed to Covid vaccines and […]

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Welcome text by the new President, Mechthild Neises Rudolf

September 17, 2022 4 minutes

The beginning was a very emotional moment, the handing over of the it-piece – the gavel – with its long tradition of successful presidencies. I would like to take this […]

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Latest news on situations of conflict

March 9, 2022 1 minute

In war and other situations of conflict, care for women and children is especially vulnerable and reproductive rights will be violated. Obstetric and gynaecologic care is more difficult under these […]

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20th ISPOG Conference rescheduled to 13-16 July 2022

December 9, 2021 1 minute

The impact of the covid-19 pandemic is not only influencing the topic of our conference, but also makes a date change necessary. The new dates for the 20th ISPOG congress […]

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Announcement ISPOG 2022

October 9, 2021 1 minute

The COVID-19 pandemic has had, and still has, a profound impact on all of us,. Affecting the everyday life and professional activities of our patients and ourselves. The 20th Congress […]

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50 years of Conferences in Germany

March 1, 2021 4 minutes

In 2021 the 50th annual conference of the DGPFG, the German Society for Psychosomatic Gynaecology and Obstetrics, the association with the largest number of members in the ISPOG, will take […]

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